Posted by ronie william
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Allah has created human beings and Jinns for His worship. Those human beings who recite Kalma Shahadah and act upon the teachings of the Holy Quran and Holy Prophet are called Muslims. When a person becomes Muslim, all the worships become obligatory for him. Hajj is one of them. It benefits Muslims in different ways and Allah has made it a great blessing for Muslims.
There is also a mini Hajj that is Umrah. It is also performed in the same way as Hajj is performed. But rituals of Umrah are less than the rituals of Hajj. Cheap Umrah packages 2022 can help Muslims perform Umrah. It is the best chance for Muslims to avail the opportunity of visiting the House of Allah.
Hajj as one of the five basic pillars:
Building of Islam is standing on the five pillars and these five pillars make us real Muslims in real meanings. Hajj is one of these five basic worships that includes many other worships in it for the proper religious nurturance. Curiosity of visiting the House of Allah rises in the hearts of Muslims. Every Muslim desires to achieve closeness of Allah Almighty. During Hajj, Muslims perform such worships that bring them close to Allah Almighty.
Need of performing Hajj:
Hajj is included in religion Islam as the basic worship as it is the way to get spiritual purification. Allah has hidden many secrets in it. It is the journey of lifetime. Hajj teaches us the conduct of life and the way to act upon the teachings of Islam. Following are the reasons why Hajj is considered most important for Muslims.
Hajj as the journey of lifetime:
Hajj can also be called as the journey of lifetime as the whole journey is a way to learn. Muslims cannot imagine how great the blessing Hajj is. Muslims learn tolerance, patience, equality, humility, respect, love, brotherhood, and unity. This is the reason why it is called as the journey of lifetime. It also reminds us of the Day of Judgment when all of us will be presented in front of Allah Almighty.
Different lessons to be learnt from Hajj:
Muslims learn different lessons when they go to perform Hajj. They learn from each rite of Hajj. Ihram teaches humility and equality. Performing worships together and cooperating with one another is the way to learn tolerance, patience, love, and unity.
Hajj is obligatory once in a life:
Hajj is considered as the journey of lifetime because it is obligatory only once in a lifetime. One can perform it more than one time but Islam has made it compulsory only once. One should perform it with the intentions of only getting happiness of Almighty Allah. Pilgrims achieve the benefits of Hajj in this world and start preparations for the world hereafter. After fulfilling this religious duty, Muslims see many changes in their life.
Life-changing opportunity:
Hajj is considered a life-changing opportunity as it is one of the best ways to change life. Pilgrims get rid of past sins by performing this beautiful act. They submit themselves in front of Allah, spend money only for Allah, and travel only to get His happiness. Allah provides them with astonishing rewards for this worship.
Unity among the Muslims:
It unites Muslims belonging to different parts, countries and, creeds of this world. All of the Muslims submit themselves in front of Allah Almighty and leave their desires only for His happiness. They obey His orders by performing similar acts with similar dress called Ihram. It presents an attractive look of Muslims in front of whole world. Hajj is the multipurpose worship and must be performed with good intentions to get the best of its benefits.