MAT Mock Test is the best preparation tool for MAT exam preparation. You should take at least 5-10 MAT Mock Tests before the exam to improve your question solving skills. So, if you are looking for free online MAT Mock Tests, check MAT Mock Tests (below). Check “Mock Test” section below and take test now! Check competes details of MAT 2025 exam.
MAT Mock Test 2024 is prepared by experts based on past year’s MAT actual paper. Many books and coaching companies like TIME and IMS prepare MAT Mock Test Series. has prepared MAT Mock Tests that are based on actual MAT exam papers. You can take MAT Mock Tests below. Check links below and start taking tests for free!
MAT exam is divided in 5 Sections. The pattern of MAT Mock Test offered by Mock and coaching companies is also similar as below:
MAT Exam Components | No of Questions (All MCQs) | Sectional Time Limit (In Minutes) | Scoring Pattern (Negative Marking is only for MCQs) |
Section 1: Language Comprehension | 30 | No Time Limit | +1 for Correct Answer; -0.25 for Incorrect Answer; 0 for Not Attempted |
Section 2: Intelligence and Critical Reasoning | 30 | No Time Limit | +1 for Correct Answer; -0.25 for Incorrect Answer; 0 for Not Attempted |
Section 3: Data Analysis and Data Sufficiency | 30 | No Time Limit | +1 for Correct Answer; -0.25 for Incorrect Answer; 0 for Not Attempted |
Section 4: Mathematical Skills | 30 | No Time Limit | +1 for Correct Answer; -0.25 for Incorrect Answer; 0 for Not Attempted |
Section 5: Economic & Business Environment | 30 | No Time Limit | +1 for Correct Answer; -0.25 for Incorrect Answer; 0 for Not Attempted |
Total | 150 | 120 Minutes | - |
To help MBA aspirants looking for high-quality free CAT Mock Test Papers, has prepared MAT Mock Tests online. These are based on previous Years’ MAT Papers and sample tests released by AIMA.
You can take CAT Mock Tests (below). Just follow these steps and start taking your test now!
Step 1: Browse to ‘Mock Test’ section at the end of this page. Select a MAT Mock Tests
Step 2: Click on ‘Take Test Now’ link below. This will take you to free registration window.
Step 3: Register for free in just a minute.
Step 4: You will be directed to MAT Mock exam page on Now you can start taking the Mock Test! There is no payment or fees.
To give you the feel of actual MAT paper, our MAT Mock Exam Page is designed to look very similar to actual exam paper.
MAT Mock Test Free PDF is available on and can be downloaded from this page itself. For MAT Mock Test Papers PDF Download, you simply need to click on “Download PDF” button next to the links on this page. After a quick registration, you can download full MAT mock test with answers pdf.
MAT Mock Test Free PDF is available on and can be downloaded from this page itself. For MAT Mock Test Papers PDF Download, you simply need to click on “Download PDF” button below. After a quick registration, you can download full MAT Mock Test PDF with answers.
Q. Where can I get MAT Mock Tests for Practice?
A. You can get many MAT Mock Tests and previous papers for practice purpose at as well as from CAT coaching institutes like IMS. CL, T.I.M.E among others
Q. How many Mock Tests are sufficient to take for MAT Exam?
Ans. There is no such yard stick. However, experts and toppers recommend to attempt and analyse around 5-10 mock tests before the exam.
Q: Is CAT Mock Test by helpful?
A: Yes, our CAT Mock Tests that are based on last past papers and sample papers release by AIMA. You can take free MAT Exam Mocks by clicking on “Take Test Now” link below.
Q: Are MAT Mock Test on free or are there hidden charges?
A: Yes, our tests are totally free. There are no hidden charges. Only simple registration is required.
Q: What is the duration of MAT mock test?
A: The duration of MAT mock test is 2 hours (120 mins).