Important Facts of Maqam e Ibrahim
Kabah is the House of Allah and it has been reconstructed many times from the time of its first construction. People believe that Kabah was firstly build by angels two thousand years before the birth of Hazrat Adam. Later, it was built by Hazrat Adam for worship. It got disappeared in the famous storm of Nooh. But the third time construction of Holy Kabah is described in Holy Quran. Two Prophets named Hazrat Ibrahim and Hazrat Ismail constructed it.
Kabah is the commemoration of Hazrat Ibrahim and his son. Holy Prophet performed pilgrimage to the House of Allah. Millions of Muslims perform Hajj every year repeat the act of Hazrat Ibrahim as it was also repeated by Holy Prophet. A mini pilgrimage is also performed through cheap Umrah packages UK to have a round of House of Allah. Pilgrims offer two rakahs of Nawafil at Maqam e Ibrahim.
Construction of Holy Kabah (House of Allah Almighty):
Hazrat Ibrahim and Hazrat Ismail built Holy Kabah and it is present till today. Hazrat Ibrahim stood on a stone that is thought to be one of the three stones taken from Jannah. The stone became soft for him when he stood for constructing upper walls of Holy Kabah. The footprints of Hazrat Ibrahim are present today on that stone and are the proof for disbelievers.
Maqam e Ibrahim:
The stone on which Holy Prophet stood and constructed Holy Kabah is called Maqam e Ibrahim. He also offered Nawafil at that place. Allah wanted to keep Ibrahim’s act alive and He ordered all the Muslims to offer two rakahs of Nawafil at Maqam e Ibrahim. Five different types of mountain stones were used by Hazrat Ibrahim in the construction of Holy Kabah. Those stones named as Toor, Hira, Thubay, Lebanan and Jabal al Khayr.
Maqam e Ibrahim came from Jannah:
It is believed by most of the Muslims that three stones have been taken from Jannah. These are:
1. Black Stone
2. Maqam e Ibrahim
3. Rock of Israel
Location of Maqam e Ibrahim has been changed:
Hazrat Ibrahim kept this stone near the walls of Holy Kabah during its construction. But in the era of Hazrat Umar, the second Caliph of Islam, its location was changed. It is now kept at a distance from Holy Kabah towards east for easiness in doing Tawaf.
Prayer at Maqam e Ibrahim:
It was the desire of Hazrat Umar that the place of Ibrahim should be made a place for Salah. Allah listened to him and He ordered in Holy Quran to offer prayer at place of Ibrahim. Offering two rakahs of Nawafil at Maqam e Ibrahim is also compulsory after the Tawaf of Holy Kabah. If a person does not offer prayer at Maqam e Ibrahim, his Tawaf will be incomplete.
Shape of Maqam e Ibrahim:
Maqam e Ibrahim is square shaped stone that is covered with a gold colored cage and its height is about 20 cm. The footprints are almost 10 cm deep and are covered in such a way that they cannot be seen.