Dr. Monik Mehta is a well known and reputed best heart specialist in gurgaon. He is the best cardiologist in gurgaon & holds extensive experience in cardiology.
Heart Specialist in Gurgaon
- Dr. (Col) Monik Mehta (Heart Specialist) is a well-known and reputed cardiologist. He holds extensive experience in dealing with complications in various cases of cardiology, which includes Angioplasties, Heart defect closures, Paediatric Catheterizations, and interventions. Pacemaker implantation, ICD, and Heart Failure Devices such as cardiac resynchronization devices with a particular interest in Radial Artery access interventions. Best Heart Specialists in Gurgaon.
Important: Heart attacks and Strokes during COVID-19
Should you experience any of the following symptoms, call emergency services immediately. Let them assess your condition.
Heart attack:-
. A burning or tightening pressure in the chest can radiate to the arms and neck
. Unusual shortness of breath
. Discomfort in other areas of your body
(Symptoms can come and go days before the full-blown heart attack)
. Facial Dropping
. Arm Weakness
. Speech Difficulties
Remember:- Even during the pandemic, do not delay. Every minute counts, Hospitals will do their utmost to treat you in a segregated, safe environment.
On this World Health Day, Healthy Hearts Gurgaon salutes all the Doctors, Nurses and others in the healthcare industry for their services to the betterment of humankind! stay safe and in Good Health Always!
Dr. (Col) Monik Mehta (Heart Specialist ) is a well-known and reputed cardiologist. He holds extensive experience in dealing with complications in various cases of cardiology, which includes Angioplasties, Heart defect closures, PaediatricCatheterizations, and interventions.
Healthy Hearts Gurgaon is a Heart Disease Prevention Initiative by
Dr(Col) Monik Mehta, a renowned Cardiologist of Gurgaon. With over 30
years of medical experience behind him of which over 20 was in the
Indian Army which made him travel and work in various parts of India
& abroad. From the latest treatments to first-class facilities,
specialists and medical equipment, everything we do at Healthy Hearts
Gurgaon ensures quality heart care and a safe environment for you.
Stay connected with Healthy Hearts Gurgaon virtually. Consult with our doctors via Whatsapp Or Call: +91 9873214382
At Healthy Hearts Gurgaon, one of the leading heart hospital in Gurgaon, we treat the person as a whole and not just the disease. Our heart specialists diagnose and treat heart disorders, such as chest pain (angina), high blood pressure, coronary artery disease, heart valve problems, cardiomyopathies, arrhythmias, heart failure, and high cholesterol. They are well experienced in performing Coronary angiogram and angioplasties, pacemaker, and various device implantations including Implantable Cardioverter Defibrillator (ICD), Cardiac Resynchronisation Therapy (CRT) and Device Closures (For ASD/ VSD/PDA).
Healthy Hearts Gurgaon is the Best heart hospital in Gurgaon, performing a wide range of preventive care services, heart care screening, advanced diagnostic tests, and cardiac rehabilitation programs for post coronary angioplasty and bypass patients.
Reach out for your concerns regarding heart health.
Dr. (Col) Monik Mehta (Heart Specialist ) is a well-known and reputed cardiologist. He holds extensive experience in dealing with complications in various cases of cardiology, which includes Angioplasties, Heart defect closures, PaediatricCatheterizations, and interventions. Pacemaker implantation, ICD, and Heart Failure Devices such as cardiac resynchronization devices with a particular interest in Radial Artery access interventions. Owing to these specializations and his successful track record, he is one of the best heart specialists in Gurgaon and India.
Menopause is a difficult time of change for every woman. Not only are there physical changes that occur, but there are also emotional and mental changes. One of the most surprising changes that can occur during menopause is an increased risk for heart disease.
While the risk for heart disease increases for all women as they age, the risk is even greater for women going through menopause. This is because the drop in estrogen levels that occurs during menopause can cause an increase in bad cholesterol and a decrease in good cholesterol. This can lead to a buildup of plaque in the arteries, which can ultimately cause a heart attack or stroke.
Women can take a few steps to lower their risk of
heart disease during menopause. A good diet, regular exercise, and stopping
smoking are all excellent methods to maintain heart health. Furthermore, there
are some treatments that can help manage menopause symptoms and lower the risk
of heart disease.
Menopause and cardiovascular health
Due to the decrease in
oestrogen levels that happens during menopause, there is a relationship between
menopause and an increased risk of heart disease. Oestrogen plays a crucial
role in keeping the cardiovascular system healthy. Without oestrogen, levels of
both good and bad cholesterol begin to rise and fall. A buildup of plaque in
the arteries may result from this rise in bad cholesterol and fall in good
cholesterol. A heart attack or stroke may eventually result from this plaque.
It is imperative that women put their heart health first, and getting advice
from a heart specialist doctor in Gurgaon might be helpful.
Changes in weight are just another
way that menopause can have an impact on heart health. As they go through
menopause, many women put on weight, which raises their risk of developing
heart disease. In women going through menopause, losing weight, exercising
frequently, and eating healthily can all assist to lower the risk of heart
Keeping an eye on your blood pressure is crucial
throughout menopause. According to studies, menopausal women are more
susceptible to high blood pressure, which can elevate their chance of
developing heart disease. It’s crucial to have frequent blood pressure checks,
control your blood pressure with dietary and exercise adjustments, and, if required,
take medication.
Advantages of hormone therapy
Women going through menopause who want to lower
their risk of heart disease, as well as manage menopause symptoms like hot
flashes and mood swings, are becoming more and more interested in hormone
therapy. The body’s levels of oestrogen can be restored with hormone therapy,
lowering the risk of heart disease. However, before beginning hormone therapy,
it’s crucial to speak with your doctor because there are risks involved,
including a higher risk of breast cancer, blood clots, and stroke.
Hormone therapy can offer a variety of other
advantages in addition to lowering the risk of heart disease. Hormone therapy
can aid with sleep difficulties, enhance skin tone, lessen hot flashes and
night sweats, and vaginal health.
Hormone replacement therapy dangers
Remember that there are risks associated with
hormone therapy. Hormone therapy has potential adverse effects, so it’s crucial
to discuss the advantages and dangers with your best heart doctor in Gurgaon
before beginning any sort of hormone therapy. The most typical dangers of
hormone treatment include:
1. Deep vein thrombosis: This occurs when a blood
clot forms in one of your legs. If the clot breaks off and gets to your lungs,
it might be fatal.
2. An rise in cholesterol levels: Hormone
therapy may result in an increase in the “bad” cholesterol known as
low-density lipoproteins, which can lead to heart disease.
3. Breast cancer: Hormone therapy is thought to
lower heart disease risk, but it’s also thought to raise the chance of breast
cancer and other cancers.
4. Ovarian cancer: Hormone therapy can
potentially raise the chance of developing ovarian cancer, particularly if it
is used for an extended period of time.
Before beginning hormone therapy, it’s crucial to
discuss safety and suitability with your physician. A good diet, regular
exercise, and stress management may be sufficient to lower the risk of heart
disease in some situations.
Change your way of life to lower your risk.
You must alter your lifestyle if you want to lower
your risk of heart disease during menopause. You may modify a lot to lower your
risks and enhance your heart health, such as:
1. Healthy eating: One of the best methods to
lower your risk of heart disease is by eating a diet high in fruits,
vegetables, and whole grains and low in saturated fat.
2. Exercise: Maintaining your weight and
maintaining your heart health depend on you remaining active and participating
in moderate-intensity aerobic exercise.
3. Stress management: One of the major risk
factors for heart disease is stress, so it’s crucial to schedule time for
relaxation and stress release.
4. Give up smoking: Smoking raises your risk of
heart disease and can exacerbate pre-existing diseases, so giving up is crucial
for lowering your risk.
You can continue to live a healthy lifestyle after
menopause by making these changes. Keep in mind that even the smallest changes
can help you live healthier overall and lower your risk of developing heart
Heart Health as a Priority During and After
The menopause is a natural part of ageing, but
that doesn’t mean you can’t take steps to lower your risk of developing heart
disease. You can lower your risk and keep your heart health at its best by
making specific lifestyle adjustments.
Consult a cardiologist in Gurgaon, such as Dr.
Monik Mehta, to discuss your individual health requirements and risks, and make
sure you are current on all of your scheduled checkups and screenings. You can
maintain heart health throughout and after menopause by making the appropriate
lifestyle modifications and following medical recommendations.
Family History and Heart Disease: Are You at Risk?
Heart disease is a major health concern globally, and India is no exception. Many of us have heard stories from our elders about relatives who suffered from heart issues or other heart-related issues. These stories might make us wonder: “Am I at risk of heart attack because of my family history?” We can protect our heart health by taking preventive steps if we know the link between heart problems and relative history. Consulting the best heart doctor in gurgaon can provide insights and personalized advice.
What is Heart Disease?
Many different heart-related illnesses are included under the umbrella term "heart attack”. Heart failure, arrhythmias (irregular heartbeats), coronary artery disease, and other conditions are among them. The most common type is coronary artery disease, which happens when the blood vessels supplying blood to the heart become narrow or blocked. This can lead to chest pain (angina), heart issues, and other serious problems.
The Role of Family History
Bloodline history plays a significant role in determining one’s risk of heart problems. If your parents, siblings, or grandparents have had cardiovascular disease, you might be more likely to develop it too. A mix of common lifestyle variables and genetics probably accounts for this increased risk.
Genetic Factors
Genes are the basic units of heredity, passed down from parents to children. They can influence various aspects of our health, including the likelihood of developing cardiac disease. Certain genetic mutations can increase cholesterol levels, blood pressure, and other risk factors for coronary artery disease. For example, a condition called familial hypercholesterolemia is caused by a genetic mutation that leads to very high cholesterol levels and early heart failure.
Early Warning Signs
Being aware of the early warning signs of heart problems can help you seek medical attention promptly. Some common symptoms include:
Chest pain or discomfort
Shortness of breath
Palpitations or irregular heartbeats
Fatigue or weakness
Your legs, ankles, or feet are swelling.
If you find these sorts of symptoms are present, be sure to see your doctor right away. It causes you to consult your doctor immediately when you experience any of these symptoms, you might consider consulting Monik Mehta,who provides the best heart care.
Shared Lifestyle Habits
Families often share lifestyle habits that can impact heart health. These include diet, physical activity levels, and smoking habits. For instance, if your family consumes a diet high in unhealthy fats and sugars, you might be more prone to developing cardiac disease. Similarly, if physical inactivity or smoking is common in your family, these habits can increase your risk.
Other Risk Factors
Although a significant influence, relatives history is not the sole one. Other cardiovascular disease risk factors include:
Age: Risk increases with age.
Gender: Men are generally at higher risk, but women’s risk increases after menopause.
High Blood Pressure: The heart is strained more as a result.
High Cholesterol: It may also eventually harden into plaque in the arteries.
Diabetes: High blood sugar may damage blood vessels.
Obesity: Excess weight increases the burden on the heart.
Stress: Chronic stress can harm the heart.
Unhealthy Diet: Diets high in saturated fats, trans fats, and cholesterol can increase risk.
Lack of Physical Activity: Regular exercise is crucial for heart health.
Assessing Your Risk
The first step in assessing your risk is understanding your ancestry. To find out more about your family’s cardiac issues, have a conversation with them. Please record the age at when they were diagnosed, since early onset of coronary artery disease in close relatives may be a more accurate indicator of inherited risk.
Preventive Measures
While you can’t change your genes, you can adopt healthy habits to lower your risk of cardiac disease. The following are some of the tips you can achieve:
Maintain a Healthy Diet: Consume a balanced diet rich in whole grains, fruits, vegetables, lean meats, and healthy fats. Limit the amount of sugar, salt, trans fats, and saturated fats you consume.
Exercise Regularly: Every week, try to get in 150 or 75 minutes of vigorous or moderate-to-intense activity. Exercises that are good for the heart include cycling, swimming, walking, and running.
Monitor Your Health: Monitor Your Blood Pressure, Cholesterol, and Blood Sugar. Regular checkups can also help identify issues while they are still small.
Quit Smoking: Seek support to help you quit smoking. Smokers are more prone to get coronary artery disease.
Manage Stress: Practice stress-relief techniques like yoga, meditation, deep breathing, or hobbies that you enjoy.
Limit Alcohol: Drinking alcohol in moderation if you have high blood pressure. In older men, prolonged excessive drinking is linked to a higher risk of cardiovascular disease and is a risk factor for hypertension.
Stay Informed: Educate yourself about cardiovascular disease and stay updated on new research and recommendations.
The mere fact that heart failure runs in your family does not guarantee that you will have it. Making good lifestyle choices and being aware of your risk of heart attack may help you significantly lower your risk. Remember, knowledge is power. Your heart now is the first step towards a better tomorrow. For personalized advice and treatment, consider consulting heart specialist doctor in gurgaon. Taking proactive steps towards a healthier lifestyle benefits your heart and enhances your overall well-being. Start making changes today for a healthier, happier tomorrow.
Noise monitoring is the process of measuring and analyzing noise levels in a specific environment or location. It is important for various reasons, such as protecting public health, ensuring compliance with noise regulations, and reducing noise pollution. Several tools and technologies are available for noise monitoring, such as noise level meters, dosimeters, and environmental noise monitoring systems. These devices measure dB meter noise levels and provide real-time monitoring and data logging capabilities.
Importance of Noise Monitoring
Noise monitoring is important for several reasons, including:
Protecting Public Health: Exposure to excessive noise can cause hearing loss, sleep disturbance, cardiovascular disease, and other health problems. Noise monitoring can help identify areas where noise levels are high and take measures to reduce exposure and protect public health.
Compliance with Regulations: Many countries and municipalities have noise regulations to protect citizens from excessive noise exposure. Noise monitoring can help ensure these regulations are followed and prevent noise-related legal issues.
Identifying Sources of Noise: Noise monitoring can help identify the sources of noise pollution, such as traffic, construction, and industrial activities. This information can then be used to develop noise reduction and mitigation strategies.
Planning and Designing: Noise monitoring can be used in a project’s planning and design phases, such as building a new highway or residential development. This can help identify potential noise issues early on and take measures to minimize their impact on the community.
Regulatory Requirements for Noise Monitoring
Ono Sokki’s maximum permissible exposure limit to noise is 90 dB (decibels) for all workers. Employers must implement a hearing conservation program when workers are exposed to an average noise level meter of 85 dB or higher for an eight-hour shift.
Best Practices for Noise Monitoring
Select the appropriate noise monitoring equipment: Different environments require different types of noise monitoring equipment. Choose the appropriate equipment based on the type of noise being monitored, the location and environment, the duration of monitoring, and any regulatory requirements.
Calibrate the equipment: Ensure the noise monitoring equipment is properly calibrated and maintained according to the manufacturer’s recommendations. Conduct a site survey: Before starting the noise monitoring, conduct a site survey to identify potential sources of noise pollution and determine the best locations to place the monitoring equipment.
Conduct the monitoring at appropriate times: The monitoring should be conducted when the noise levels are highest, such as during peak traffic hours or when industrial activities are at their highest.
What types of instruments are used for Noise Monitoring?
Sound Level Meter: They are portable instruments that measure sound pressure levels in decibels (dB). They typically consist of a microphone, amplifier, and display unit. The sound level meters can measure noise metrics and provide real-time measurements and data logging capabilities.
Noise Dosimeters: Noise dosimeters are wearable instruments used to measure personal noise exposure over some time, such as a workday or shift. They are typically worn on the worker’s shoulder or belt and measure noise exposure in a dB meter based on industry standards.
Integrating Sound Level Meters: They are advanced and can measure and integrate noise levels over time, such as an entire workday or week. They can provide detailed information about noise exposure levels, such as dose and exposure time, and are often used in occupational noise exposure monitoring.
In conclusion, superior noise monitoring is crucial to ensuring a safe and healthy environment in various settings, including industrial, commercial, and residential areas. By deploying advanced noise monitoring technologies and solutions, such as real-time monitoring systems, noise mapping, and noise dosimeters, it is possible to measure, analyze and mitigate noise pollution effectively. This helps to prevent adverse health effects, reduce noise complaints, and enhance overall quality of life. As such, businesses, governments, and individuals should prioritize investing in superior noise monitoring solutions to promote a safe and healthy environment for all. Result without wasting time.
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